

Fish probiotic
  • Poor water quality in fish ponds impacts the health of the fish which is caused by the nutrient load from land runoffs, chemical pollutants and the faces of the fish. These excess nutrients and chemicals disturb the natural bacterial population that normally would keep the Aquatic environment in imbalanced state resulting in formation of sludge, increased algal bloom and decreased oxygen levels. This condition leads to incidence of disease, poor growth and increased mortality.
    The bacterial technology involved in Eco safe improves the water quality while reducing the unwanted algae and helps in completion of nitrogen cycle in fish ponds.
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  • Bacteria present in Eco – Safe degrades sludge and pollutants
    Bacteria present in Eco-Safe completes Nitrogen Cycle and eliminates toxic gases such as NH3 and No2
    Eco – Safe maintains Eco-logical balance and helps in controlling harmful algae and bacteria
    Eco – Safe increases the growth and survival rate
    Eco – Safe helps in reduction of usage of chemicals
  • 1 Kg / Acre Once in a month
Presentation :
  • 1 K g & 5 Kg Pack

