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With the ever-growing consumption of seafood the world over and a constant increase in livestock farming to meet the needs, there is a great need for sustainable solutions and practices that needs to be put in place for efficient production. Biomed with its scientific approach in making innovative solutions and services in the healthcare segment is into the following sectors.

Shrimp Hatchery

As part of our integration strategy increasing " POND TO PLATE" Biomed has an active stake in the segment of Shrimp seed production. We have 2 hatcheries located along the coastline in ONGOLE DIstrict, Andhrapradesh with a total production capacity of 1000 Million per Annum. With Quality at the helm, the produce is transported to different states across the country with tremendous results.

Shrimp Processing & Exports

Standing with a motto to serve the best of the quality products to the world across, Biomed has recently ventured into the business of Processing and Exporting Packaged shrimps in 2016. Leveraging our existing farmer base and the brand presence we are able to produce the best of the produce from the farmers maintaining standards of high quality. We have a production capacity of 3000 Tonnes per annum and our shrimps are being shipped to the countries like China, Vietnam, Japan ...USA.

Shrimp & Fish Farms

"We Practice what we Preach"
Biomed group has decades of experience in Shrimp and fish farms. Successful farming over the years has always put us in a better pivot to formulate sustainable and innovative solutions to the problems and challenges faced by the farming communities. It is this experience of hands on farming on a commercial scale that keeps us with ease in handling the farms on any scale and providing key technical support .
Biomed group owns around 200 acres of fish and shrimp farms across different regions in the state of Andhra Pradesh.